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Friday 30 March 2012

Oh... My... God. Best friends? What happened to THAT?

I'm in shock. This WAS my best friend irl. I'm not going to go through this but the reasons I don't go into school sometimes is PURELY because of a long-term illness I have been diagnosed with. I'm not going into it, and if u know me irl please dont comment about it. Its personal. No, I don't mind people finding out my crush HOWEVER certain people are reading this blog.. certain people I DON'T want to find out. Paige, Podge, whatever. I just want you to know.. You're my friend, even if i'm not yours. Although, I do have feelings and yeah, you hurt them. But.. I have lots of friends and if your not going to accept me for.. me, then, I guess your not one of them. Sorry.



  1. OMG IS that what she said! Well your still my BFF!

    1. I know.. Thanks. ibffly lol :p Wish... ;D

  2. I am your best friend and ignore her if she is going to act like tht

  3. aawww what you said was so...... inspiring!
    How you said your my friend even though you hurt me!!! I know what you are going through. I have had an illness and missed a lot odd school and my friend said I am silly for wasting my education and I said sorry I have been..... CLose to death!!!!
    Then she told my crush that I liked him!!!!!
    Really I do know how you feel!!!!

    I hope your illness isn't life threatening and I hopE you are feeling okay!!!!

    Lots of love

    1. Thankyou. Wow. That was really nice of you. We have come over our differences and seeing as neither of us like saying sorry, we put the past behind us. What is/was the illness you have/had? And no, mines not life-threatening.



    2. Well i have glandular fever, whooping cough, pneumonia, water infection and a ear & throat infection. The 1st three I nearly died with.
      Whats wrong with you?? xxx

    3. glandular fever and M.E. You cant die from Glandular Fever?
