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Monday 2 April 2012


  1. Replies
    1. Well its on the chat, it seems like she said it. I don't really believe it myself because I don't think Paige would say that. It's not like her. She said she wasnt on her laptop yesterday. I don't know.

    2. Maybe she was saying that so you wouldnt do anything to her i dont know. She probably got hacked.

  2. Yer she did say tht coco dont u belive meg

  3. Clo believes her but I think frankly Clo thinks its unbeliever able seriously it's just a jealous type when she's at Meg's lvl she'll get haters like that and she'll feel how Meg felt its a work in progress..

  4. Ignor the comment above me I was stupid and foolish cuz I just found out that's ur friend in real I think!
