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Thursday 19 April 2012

I'm torn!

Ok, so as you probably know, COCOcool12 is my best friend on msp AND irl along with Podge666.
I've always felt bad to podge666 as you can't have a second best friend unless I put her as my girlfriend but I know how much the people at school would tease :L

But today, CheekieCharls and αму's shared account, Unique. has asked me to be their best friend. I'm quite close with Melon and Ned (I hope!!!) So I would like to be their best friend.

And then, maybe podge666 and COCOcool12 could be best friends? I don't know. But I do still want to stay best friends with COCOcool12. Ohh I don't know! I suppose I could put Unique. as my girlfriend but people would still say stuff. Oh, msp you need to get EXTRA best friends!!! Preferably six? Pwease? Ugh, I need more best friend spaces!!! x(


Peace Out (Sadly)


P.S. Thanks for reading my droning on :P

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