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Monday 2 April 2012

oh my god. Why is this getting out of hand?

Clo is my best friend and you're gonna have to deal with it. Alright, Im a d**k head. I'm fat. I'm ugly. I'm a wimp. But at least I still have dignity and I can admit that. If you're gonna say that to me Johnny, say it to my face. Maybe I am a little bit jelous of my friends.. Coz theyre pretty and cool and fun. And i'm not. Ok? And yeah. Im not going to lie. I like Johnny but i'd NEVER do that to Clo. I'm happy for them!! And for f**k sake, leave me alone.

Sorry to get angry but thats how I feel. I'm sorry.


  1. Your not UGLY! Your not a any of those things you say you are. I dont know what happened here!

    1. Yesh I am. But we r Bff's for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever :D

    2. its: for ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ok my fingers hurt...
      That times 5000

    3. I copied and pasted ;D LOL

  2. You guys whats gone on here! Why dont you all be friends thats the main thing !!!!

  3. He's insecure VERY INSECURE I'm sorry this isn't my buisness :(

  4. People don't get under my skin unless they are DANG COLD MEAN then that's when I start crying and feel Hurt if he said this to me I'd annoy him by saying: ur absolutely right! That really gets them annoyed!

  5. Maybe this particular person gets under my skin more than others...

  6. True actually when I think about it this message is quite alarming and upsetting maybe I should overlook things more the post I made before I shouldnt of posted cuz I didn't think of how it feels to ya my bad.. Again..

  7. No, its fine. Its just he's kind of special to me..

  8. Ouch, Megs I'm F*kin angry just reading that how rude..

  9. Yeah. Things like this happen alot between us. People always tell him rumors, stuff i've said. And he believes it. Thing is, I would never say a bad word about him. And he's told me its my best friends trying to tell him this stuff.. I guess eventually you find out who you're friends are...

  10. But I'm kind of beginnining to think what he said up there is true.
