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Sunday 24 June 2012

I'm sorry, but this is terrible advice..

Ok, so my mate asked me out and I didn't know how to respond so I decided to ask for help on the forums.. 

btw sorry about my terrible handwriting :L 

So this is the amazing replies i got.. (NOT)

Sandy2233 replies with 'um..' UM WHAT?! Thats so helpful - um..
I started to get a little angry and replied 'What? Got a problem?'

And then sunshine=love replies with something that makes NO SENSE whatsoever. 'sowwy i got the same problem just say as mates or no we can be mates' HE'S ALREADY MY MATE! Anyway, look at this next one!!

Another one I cant understand 'folow ur heart and do wot it says' WHAT? 

But this next comment by so shy is TERRIBLE. Shes basically saying: Pretend you fancy him, lie to him, pretend you want to go out with him and avoid him. What the hell? Thats being so honest :L

So, don't give me stupid advice. It really iritates me.


  1. Im not going to give you stupid advice because im not stupid here goes:
    Right, If you love him say yes and if you dont try to say you only want to be friends, it is up to you dont listen to people who are telling you what to do! You choose! Btw he is quite hard to reason with as you know he asked me out and he didnt really get the point that me and him are friends but friendship is worth the hardwork! Lol
    Hope this helped!

    Your best friend, advice giver, personal fashion designer and party planner! Clo

  2. Ahahahahaaaaa!!!! You crack me up, clo. Uhhh, excuse me, you haven't even ASKED to be my fashion designer or party planner yet ;) Jokes, I accept you as my fashion designer and party planner :D

    Thanks for your advice (I already said no) but it helped :)

    Lots of love
    YOUR best friend and not much else ;D xxxxxxxxxxx

  3. that was horrible advice i'd rather go to a monkey
