Amount who have visited meh blog

Monday 25 June 2012


My VIP run out today but when I logged on this morning, I got this:
Nobody has paid for it though!! My mum checked her bank to make sure it didn't come out of there. As long as nobody has paid for this stuff, I'm gonna enjoy it. But, msp, if I find someones paid, YOU'RE DEAD.
Love Megsie ;)


  1. That kind of stuff NEVER happens to me ur so Lucky! I'm getting VIP anyways tho

  2. Lol, i didn't want it to happen! xD

  3. wats wrong if somone paid for u???!! They obvisly like u! Anyway your soooooooooooooooo lucky it nvr happens to mee :,C

  4. they couldn't have paid for me unless they got into my account and NOBODY knows my pass, its not even a word its like letters and numbers like (this isn't actually it) uwRHJKGAWiuoh4r83qiwJANFEHQ8O3IFJVUI LOL
